As an authorized dealer, Acme Equipment and Acme Tools offer the best trailer brands, servicing the North Dakota and Minnesota area. We special order custom trailers within your budget to meet your hauling needs. Diamond C Trailers offers the most diverse models with the most customizable options. Let’s take a look at the newest custom trailer on our lot.

Loading Options
Select the loading options that best suit your needs. Customize the trailer’s fleet neck style, length/width, GVWR, Dove, and Jack. Acme Equipment’s newest custom trailer features a 12′ Hydraulic Dovetail.

General customizations are magic. Choose your paint, axles, brakes, frame, cross-members, floor, and neck. With the many different offerings, you can make the trailer unique to your needs. The most recent trailer at Acme is equipped with three 12,000 lb heavy-duty axles.

Diamond C Trailers offer many customizable features. Optimize your space and durability with features like sway control, underslung dunnage racks, kingpin adapters, and more! The trailer features multiple underslung boxes. Take the below image for an example of what the boxes look like.

Tires & Wheels
Create the trailer of your dreams with the right tires and wheels. From tire size and color to spare tire mount and size, we can customize it all. The new trailer features a fold-down spare tire mount.

View Acme Equipment’s Facebook Page for new custom trailers every Tuesday! Visit an Acme Equipment store near you to customize your next trailer. Browse the slideshow below for more pictures of the latest custom Diamond C trailer.