When it comes to plumbing your work is only as good as the connections on the pipes. If a copper pipe has an opening in it and leaking, your job wasn’t done right.
Getting a great fit is hard if you have to sweat copper. Harder if you are in a tight, cramped space. Not to mention that if you are behind any wood the potential for burns, fire, and damage to your customer’s area increases drastically.
With the FORCE LOGIC Press tool, you take away the need for sweating copper to get strong holds. But you do run into pipes that are a bit bigger then what the original Force Logic Kit could cover. That’s why Milwaukee is proud to introduce the IPS XL Ring KIt. These are additional attachments to allow for bigger sizes and an industry standard the Viega Mega Press XL fitting.
What’s New?
These new jaws can handle the broadest range of materials and pipe sizes that can come up in plumbing. They can now easily handle 2-½” to 4” pipes, and the materials could vary and wouldn’t make much of a difference. From securing Schedule 10 to Schedule 40 Black Iron Pipe, you can switch back to copper and use the same tool. Not to mention, I can also handle PEX and stainless steel. Then, you can use this tool on even Viega Mega Press XL fittings without the need for tool extensions that get in your way.

Currently, this tool is compatible with ONLY the M18 FORCE LOGIC Long Throw Press Tool (2773-20L). The pipe capacity of the jaws themselves is 2-1/2” to 4” and will also have a two-year warranty.

You can expect these tool attachments to be released around May 2019.

Final Thoughts
Plumbing is a tough job. Any tool that can relieve any danger from the workspace is an excellent tool to have in your truck. The Force Logic Press Tool is a great machine but couldn’t tackle the bigger challenges. But thanks to the IPS XL Ring Kit you can handle the bigger jobs and get closer to no longer having to sweat copper. Your customers won’t have to worry about damages to their home. Any plumber would appreciate not having a high heat so close to their person.
Would you use this tool on your next job? Let us know in the comment sections what you think of this tool and the article. If you want to keep up with Milwaukee Tool News as it comes out, make sure to follow our blog. You can find tool reviews, buying guides, and fun DIY builds there.
If you need a new tool or looking to get your hands on the FORCE LOGIC Press Tool before the Ring Kit attachments come out, head to Acme Tool online store. There you can find a great deal daily from one of the best online tool stores. Because here at Acme Tools we always want you to Do Your Best Work.