You want to start metalworking but don’t know where to begin. Acme Tools is here to help with the ten tools you’ll need to start your new hobby.
You want to start metalworking, a new hobby, but you don’t know where to begin. Metalworking is a simplified way of saying metal fabrication. Now, metal fabrication includes cutting, bending, and welding metal bits together, which can be fun and rewarding. Maybe creating a knife, an ax, or even a sword, or something like a table, a potter, or even a desk, it’s all in the realm of possibilities. But to do this fantastic hobby, you need tools, and we have some suggestions to get you started.
Ten Tools You’ll Need to Start Metalworking
Metalworking is no easy hobby, but if you want to continue, let’s review some must-have metalworking equipment.
Welder & Welding Gear
If you want to do metalwork, you will need these tools to complete any project. A welder and welding mask is a metal worker’s version of wood glue and goggles.

Welding is how to set your pieces together, but it produces a bright light. Hence, you’ll also need to have a welding mask. The mask will protect your eyes from the blinding light, preventing retina burns that can lead to vision loss. While also giving you the visibility you need to look at your work.

Drill Press
Getting a drill press or a drill is an option between what you can afford and how much space you have available. You would prefer a drill press for heavy-duty jobs, but if you are starting a drill, it will be enough to get the job done. The drill is needed for making holes in metal for mounting or making pilot holes for screws when you need to secure them to something.

Metalworking Drill Bits
Yes, there are specific drill bits and tips for metalworking. You can’t attach your woodworking bit and think you’ll get through the material. Metal is denser than wood, and your bits will dull or break unless made for that material.

Metalworking bits are an investment that will save you time and give you flexibility to work.
Metalworking Saw
Another tool that you need is a metalworking saw. Yes, you can use your other saws and have a metal cutting blade installed. But if you are only working in metal, you might as well get a saw that is specialized towards your hobby. You can get this as a band or chop saw, but either one will do for your projects.

This is one of the few multifunctional tools you have at your disposal. Use the grinder for cutting, descaling, and even buffing. You will need this tool in your shop as it can get into places where your other tools can’t. You also can’t ignore its portability or maneuverability.

Shears & Nibblers
These tools are meant for cutting sheet metals that you may need for more intricate or curved cuts. While a grinder and metal saw will give you significant straight cuts, these tools allow for bends and curves.

Clamps, Vises, & Magnets
No matter what the hobby, if you are measuring, attaching, or cutting, you will need some way to secure them together. Clamps, especially metal clamps, are necessary for metalworking. Magnets are an exclusive accessory to metal workers as they allow for a solid connection to workpieces and, depending on the magnet, can hold them stable by themselves.

Center Punch
A center punch is a device that makes marking and pre-drilling holes easier. What this little device does is that it pushes out a metal tip and dent the material underneath. Center Punches makes a clear indication of where to drill. You would typically use this tool if accuracy were essential to the project. A center punch can also be used in more than just metalworking. So, if you find yourself in the woodworking world (TRAITOR), you can still use this handy tool.

Hammers & Mallets
When working with metal, incidents happen where a piece of metal comes to you bent or dented, or in the more unlikely process, you bent or dented it. GASP!

A hammer can be used to fix those tiny mistakes or can be used to add character to pieces. You will primarily use this tool to form your metal into whatever your project needs.
PPE & Safety Equipment
Finally, but most importantly, you will need clothes that protect you! Fabrication is one hobby you cannot do in shorts, a T-shirt, and flip-flops. Metalworking requires gloves to handle the metal as it can be hot and jagged when fabricating anything.

That also means you will need more protective eyewear than your welding helmet. While it will keep the light out of your eyes, you can’t wear a tinted visor throughout the project. Sometimes, you’ll need something transparent or lightly tinted to cover your eyes and keep the metal shards out when cutting. That’s when a regular pair of clear safety goggles come in handy. Not to mention ear protection, closed-toed shoes, and an apron, jacket, or smock to keep you safe from sparks and debris.

That’s All Folks
That’s everything you need to get started in metalworking. I know this can be expensive, so here is some advice. Start small and get the things that are within your budget. For instance, if you own nothing and the budget is tight, start off with safety apparel because staying safe is more important than any build or project. After that, start with a simple plan that needs simple tools; anything with a grinder and a welder should be enough to get you started.
Once you have more experience and save up enough money, you can start adding to your collection of tools. But most of all, have fun with your new hobby.
Did you find this article helpful? Want to start a different hobby but don’t know what you need? Leave a comment below about what you think of the article or what other hobbies you want to get into but don’t know where to begin. Check out our blog for our New Year New Hobby: Woodworking tool guide and all the latest tool news.
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