Grinders are used in various applications when working with metal or wood. You can cut nails or screws away from boards or create a fantastic custom sword if you know the proper techniques. The specific grinder you use will depend on the material you’re working with and the end object you have in mind. Sharpening tools or utensils require a technique different from polishing or cleaning. Each type of grinder has its own set of specialties.
Reconditioning and Sharpening Tools with a Bench Grinder

Most tools are made of a metal that is soft enough to grind without destroying them. So if you’ve inherited a great set of tools that have seen some love in their day – and maybe more than a bit of neglect in recent years – there is hope. Go get your good ole’ bench grinder and see what you can do.
Start by heating the tools in a 350-degree oven for two hours. Then, place the tools in your workshop safely to allow them to cool to room temperature. Begin grinding the areas of the tool that need it the most. You have a chisel with some rust and chips on the business end. You’ll want to work those out.
Choosing the Grit, You will Use
Grinding accessories, including grinding wheel belts, are available in a variety of grits. The grit determines how much material is removed in a single pass. A 36-grit wheel will sharpen shovels and other gardening tools. Sixty grit wheels are better for things like knives and chisels. Eighty to 100-grit wheels are great for delicate work.
Constant Motion Prevents Overheating
One thing to always keep in mind when you’re using either type of grinder is that friction causes heat. Keep your piece of metal in constant motion to prevent overheating and weakening of the metal. Metal that gets overheated can be cooled in a vat of fast-quench oil.
Always Use Safety Gear
Safety gear is a must when working with flying pieces of hot metal. Safety glasses and a face shield are great, but you also want to protect your hands, forearms, and other exposed areas. Wear ear protection, too, because these things get loud. Ensure children and pets are not in the area when you start work.