Cracks in your concrete garage, walkway, or other concrete surfaces are not only a tripping hazard but can inherently compromise your home’s curb appeal. These imperfections can also make your garage more vulnerable to external effects, reduce its mechanical resistance, and accelerate the structure’s aging process. Fortunately, fixing concrete cracks to keep your home safe and aesthetically pleasing is easy.
Concrete is harsh and can last for decades, but eventually, it may develop cracks, holes, and gaps. If your garage floor has started to age, it pays to make the necessary repairs as soon as possible. Otherwise, a small gap or crack today could become a bigger and more expensive problem.
While sometimes it takes a professional to work perfectly with concrete, anyone can repair concrete cracks. Here is how to quickly fix concrete cracks, whether narrow or wide.
Clean the Crack
First, clean the surface with a wire brush to remove loose material and prepare the area for repair. Using a wire brush, eliminate loose debris and particles from the crack and the nearby surface for narrow cracks. Then, a concrete patch or masonry crack filler will be used to repair the gaps.

Use a chisel or sledgehammer to cut the edges of the crack and chip away any damaged or crumbling concrete in larger concrete cracks. Then, clean the damaged surface with a wire brush, concrete cleaner, and water to remove any acceptable debris.
Note that this work involves a lot of dust, so you may need to apply a tarp under the work area to facilitate cleanup. Moreover, ensure you wear the appropriate protective gear.
Level the Crack
Use a level to check the slab and detect the low areas. Mix the compound with aggregate and water according to the manufacturer’s specifications. Once the leveler is mixed, apply it to the cracked surface and use a trowel to spread it to create a smooth transition. Then, allow the product to cure properly so you can walk through it within four to six hours.
Run a putty knife across the sealed area to remove excess compound. Then, resurface the two sides of the crack to match the surrounding concrete surface and let the compound dry as directed.
After smoothing the caulked surface, clean your putty knife with mineral spirits or another appropriate cleaner before setting the epoxy. While this is best known for repairing cracked floors, it can also be used to seal cracks in walls.
Fill the Crack

Once you level both sides of the crack, fill the concrete crack with your preferred repair product. Concrete floors cannot be fixed with concrete. You will be better off using concrete repair mixes that are available locally or online. The most used repair products include mortar patches and acrylic/epoxy material.
Mortar Patch
A mortar patch suits wider concrete floor cracks and other larger imperfections. Fortunately, it is simple to create your mortar patch. Mix one part of Portland cement, some water, and three parts of masonry sand to make a thick paste. Alternatively, you can buy ready-made mortar patches locally or online.
The next step is to dampen the cracked area before applying the patch with a putty knife or a mason’s trowel. While at it, thrust your putty knife or trowel into the patch to remove any air pockets that might have formed. This will ensure the patch fully engulfs the entire crack. Then, resurface the area to level it with the surrounding concrete.
Allow the mortar mix to dry for at least two hours, and then cover the sealed area using plastic sheeting to lock in moisture. Spray water in the filled area every day until the surface hardens up.
Acrylic/Epoxy Material

Use acrylic/epoxy material mixed according to the manufacturer’s directions for one-eighth-inch or narrower concrete cracks. You can use a putty knife or a mason’s trowel to apply the acrylic or epoxy material onto the cracked surface.
Press down the material into the gap before smoothing the surface to match the surrounding concrete. Remember that varied materials cure differently, so following the directions in your selected product is essential.
Following these steps, you can successfully repair your garage floor with cracks and even prevent future concrete problems. You may need to repeat some of these steps more than once to achieve the intended results. Follow product instructions and wear the proper protective gear when handling chemicals.