Winter is over, and the chilly air is starting to calm down. It is time for a town like Grand Forks to prepare for the farmers market, block parties, and other outside events throughout the Spring and Summer seasons. But setting up can be difficult, dangerous, and stressful for many reasons. You must get ladders or scaffolding to set up your decorations or banners and then get generators to power any outdoor equipment. Do not forget to get party supplies like tables, chairs, and tents for use during the event.
At Acme Tools, we can offer you all these in one convenient stop at Acme Rents. You can choose from the items you need at events and parties and all the machinery you need to set up there. Save time by stopping off at Walmart, Target, or Sam’s Club to pick up tables, chairs, and tents that you will have to store somewhere afterward. With Acme Rents, get the best rates per day, week, or month, and return everything to one place without worrying about storage.
What Can I Rent?
For any event, you can rent anything under the sun. Rent out equipment to help you set up quickly and safely with various lifts to hang banners and other decorations. Rent out if multiple hands or lots of materials are needed for set-up. Then, if your event needs power, you can rent out generators to fit your needs. But you are not limited to outdoor power equipment. Get coolers to hold hot or cold beverages, banquet tables, folding chairs, and tents to cover your next celebration. You can also get grills and even a fryer if you expect a big turnout and need to feed a crowd.

If your event requires a presentation, slide show, or performance, you can rent audiovisual equipment and a PA system at Acme Rents.
Where Can I Rent?
You can rent from four locations in the state of North Dakota and one location in Minnesota. You can choose from Grand Forks, Bismarck, Fargo, Minot, and Bemidji, and your closest rental location near you can help you pick the best items for your needs.

Why Go with Acme Rents?
When you need something local, there is no other place besides Acme. You could rent with other services, but you would have to go back and forth between the coordination of different stores and venues. If you are having an outdoor get-together, you can rent all your stuff, a truck, or a loading bed, and pack everything in one go.
Final Thoughts
When setting up a block party or any outdoor event, you need the best equipment to get the job done. But you do not have to buy it if you can rent it. Get the best deals on items at a daily, weekly, or monthly rate, all in one place.