As the seasons change and winter approaches, prepare your home and give your grill extra care. Whether you’re a committed chef or planning to store your grill through the winter, understanding the importance of grill maintenance is critical. Here are some essential tips to help you navigate the cooler months with a well-maintained grill. Additionally,…
Important Winter Lawn Care Maintenance Tips
When the leaves start to change and the air has a bit of a chill to it, homeowners everywhere start to spring into action to get their lawns ready for the chilly, icy winter. Taking a few days out of the month throughout the season all but guarantees your lawn will grow in beautifully this…
How To Build A Table Out Of Walnut And Steel
DIY Walnut And Steel Table This walnut and steel conference table build (which could also be a dining table) was my most involved woodworking project, including drawbored breadboard ends, processing rough lumber, panel glue-ups, and more. The build also included a welded steel base using 1″ square tubing. Tools Used Get Started with the Metal…
Pumpkin Carving With Milwaukee M12 Cordless Tools
Pumpkin Carving Tools Pumpkin carving is something many people look forward to each October. Carving a pumpkin into a fun, wacky, scary face lets you embrace your creative side. However, doing so with nothing more than a kitchen knife can make this task tough. The right Milwaukee power tools can make it easier. Here are…
How To Make Halloween Decor Using Milwaukee Tools
DIY Pumpkins and Ghosts For this Halloween decor, we made (3) 4×4 Ghosts and (3) 4×4 Pumpkins that can be used anywhere around your home without taking up a lot of room, and with these simple steps, they are quick and easy to make. During our build, we had the luxury of using Milwaukee M18…
How to Make a Halloween Cemetery Fence with Milwaukee Tools
DIY Halloween Cemetery Fence Decorating for Halloween can be a fun family event. Increase your yard’s spook appeal with this lightweight Cemetery Fence that keeps the neighborhood kids off your grass. We were blessed by Milwaukee Tools for this build, and they gave us free rein of their tools. The Milwaukee Cordless Tools we used…
How To Make A Halloween Coffin Lid
DIY Halloween Coffin Lid Decorating for Halloween has become a popular pastime when the leaves begin to change colors. We have created an old-fashioned coffin lid to add to your indoor or outdoor decorations. This project build leaves some decisions to the creator, and these decisions will add to the overall look. We were lucky enough…
Single Sheet Of Plywood Rocking Chair
Are you looking for a new project that won’t break the bank, not involve a whole workshop full of tools, and that you can enjoy all year long? How about a simple rocking chair made from 1 piece of plywood. Mr. Fix It, Aaron Massey, lends his talents to this unique build. Step #1: Materials…
How To Quickly Perform A Desk Upgrade
You can quickly transform an inexpensive desk purchased from an office supply store into a thing of beauty. Make an eye-catching wooden piece over the existing top and have a quick desk upgrade. Start by edge gluing ¾” thick boards together. Once the boards are glued, you will want the resulting panel to be about…
8 Home Improvement Projects For Families
Summer is a beautiful time of wander and family togetherness for many children across America. This is their season to grow and learn without the formalities of a classroom full of desks. We understand that many homeowners take advantage of the lovely summer weather to teach their children the value of nature and realize their…