You got a 3D printer, and your software is up and ready. But before you make your first print, here are a few tools to make working with them smooth.
3D printing is one of the newest ways DIYers, builders, and some manufacturers have adapted to constructing items. For manufacturers, it is the most cost-effective way to make rapid prototypes and molds of pieces requiring a higher grade of material. For builders and DIYers, it is a faster way to create unique pieces you need for a project.
However, 3D printing requires a few other tools besides the printer, the software, and a computer to get the best prints. Learning a few tips and tricks for this blog post, we have compiled a list of tools you’ll need to get the best prints every time. While also keeping your workspace clean and tidy.
Tools Besides the Printer
Obviously, the printer is the first thing you will need in the process of 3D printing. This isn’t a buying guide on what printers to get, but if you are looking for one, we have a great selection of Dremel 3D printers. I digress. The point of this post is for the first-timer to the novice to get some advice on tools to make the learning process of using your new printer much more accessible. These tools will cover removing your prints from the printing surface, cleaning up molds and models, and maintaining the printer. So, without further adieu, let’s get to the tools.
Chisel and Scraper
A chisel or a scrapper will be one of the tools that you have right next to your printer. Now, depending on the project and the material you use, your choice of which one to use might change. You would prefer a chisel for sturdy objects, like figures or anything with tight layers.

If you made a cookie cutter or something more fragile, a scraper is better suited to lift the item without breaking or ruining the mold. But both will make extracting your 3D model easy without worrying about destroying it by using your bare hands.

Allan Wrenches (Hex Keys)
You will need these from your printer because you will constantly adjust them. From the gantry screw and the stepper motor, you’ll find yourself using these quite often. But it would be best to have an assortment and maybe a spare or two in case they have to move around.

Blue Painters Tape
Blue Painters Tape is an item that will make maintaining your printer easier. The tape will make any printed object stick better to the surface. Then, after the print is complete, the tape will remove the completed printer faster and protect the bed from scratches when extracting.

The phrase “bigger is always better” comes to mind when buying tape. Getting tape with a width of at least two inches (50 mm) or more will cover the print bed area you would be using. Making the clean-up and maintenance easier, especially if you plan on printing often.
Sanding Accessories
Usually, the final step is to use this to smooth the surface of your print from any hanging or protruding filament. So, depending on how fine the finish you want is, you will need an assortment of pads of different grits. If you are unfamiliar with sanding, start with the lowest grit and slowly build your way up to a higher number for a smoother finish.

Let us know if you would like an entire article on sanding and go into greater detail on how to use sandpaper and other sanding accessories. Our professionals at Acme Tools can help!
Digital Caliper
Digital Calipers are used to get accurate measurements for your projects and builds. Accurate measurements are crucial while making plans. If you are off even by an eighth of an inch, your project will suffer from uneven edges and wasted material.

When printing, you have to get things to the closest one-tenth, if not one-hundredth of an inch, to get great prints. Having digital calipers will get you those measurements consistently. With jaws made with different functions, you can easily measure the length of an object and the size of any gaps it may have.
Needle Nose Pliers
Use Needle Nose Pliers before printing begins. When you start a fresh print, your nozzle will ooze out any leftover filament from its last use. Before the filament hits the printing surface, snip any ooze coming out. If not removed before the print, your base layer will be inconsistent with the rest and have weak structural points. Furthermore, this tool sitting by your printer will save your product and can be used to snip any long strands sticking out from the print.

Hobby Knife Blade
The hobby knife is a refining and cleaning tool for your prints. Usually, it is one of the last steps on your print before sanding. The knife gets into corners where the sandpaper and pliers might be unable to reach, adding detail to projects. If your print has any holes needed in the design and you don’t want to risk breaking it with the needle nose pliers, this is your best tool.

Reaming Pen
Another tool for cleaning up prints. You can use this for any project or mold that has curves or is hollow on the inside. 3D models with any spherical shape or excessive curves would need this tool for final cleanup. A reaming pen would be better than the pliers or the hobby knife, as those two tools might not be able to adapt to the curved edges of the print and could potentially ruin them.

Now Get Printing
With these tools, you can ensure your printer will be working optimally while getting the best prints. So get to printing to whatever your heart desires, within reason, and make that action figure of yourself that you always wanted. If you are looking for a printer, we have a few options at Acme Tools that you can check out and get to work soon.
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