
Halloween Costumes: Terror & Power Tools

As Halloween looms, we get creative and work on our costume ideas. Being tool enthusiasts, we paired our costume ideas with different tools and accessories we had lying around. Please read our ideas to create the creepiest Halloween costumes this season. Chainsaws A chainsaw may be the scariest and most utilized power tool during Halloween….

The Top 8 BEST Grills of 2019

Learn about the hottest grills on the market this year. Get the all the specs you need to get the best grill for your home. You want to start barbequing, but you’re missing something. You’re missing a grill. Maybe you’ve never had one, or the one you’ve had is on its last legs. A new…

NPS 2019: Milwaukee Heated Jacket

Heated Jackets is something everyone wishes they had during cold winter days. Milwaukee doesn’t only make heated jackets but jackets made to fit your work style, your body, and your conditions. This year at NPS Milwaukee releases more heated jackets as well as others for different situations. What’s New? With Milwaukee’s already extensive line of…

Acme Rents for your Next Summer Event

Winter is over, and the chilly air is starting to calm down. It is time for a town like Grand Forks to prepare for the farmers market, block parties, and other outside events throughout the Spring and Summer seasons. But setting up can be difficult, dangerous, and stressful for many reasons. You must get ladders…