Contractors, Home Renovators, and DIYers are magicians hiding nails from being seen. Sometimes, it means using glue to get a job done, but other times, when you want something to stay, you need an old-fashioned nail. For delicate jobs and decorations, you do not wish those nails to show or break the gentle fixtures, eliminating a lot of nail gauges with DeWalt’s new 23Ga. You can get the hold you need with minimal nail visibility with a pin nailer.
Have It Fit Your Needs
While other models can be exhausting on your arm, shoulder, or hip. Weighing at only 2.5 pounds, the DWFP2350K 23Ga. Pin Nailer can be carried in your hand or belt with little strain. Perfect for long jobs where setting and securing multiple moldings and/or returns for clients.

Setting anything with a nail can be tricky. You do not want too little power, or the nailhead will hover on the material. Too hard, the nail goes straight through the material and into the wall, not securing anything. So, the ability to adjust the power and depth is crucial. The DWFP2350K can be set with 5/8-inch To 2-inch nails in oak and switch between 70 to 100 PSI. Gives you control to a significant degree, where you can determine how close and how much power you need.

Protect your project and yourself.
No matter how magical a tool is, safety is always required. The Pin Nailer has a dual trigger to prevent accidental discharge when handling the tool. Not only that, but the nailer has features to avoid damaging your project while keeping you efficient. A low nail lockout system indicates when to reload your tool. This indication can save you from marking up your work when you do not realize the nails are out.
You might find this annoying for a seasoned pro, but no need to worry as you can bypass the mechanism. That way, you can drive any remaining nails left in the magazine. But occasionally, even pros mess up, and a nail gets jammed in the gun. DeWalt has thought of that common problem and has implemented a toolless system for easy removal. No more scrounging around your bag for another tool to wedge out the nail. Save time on the job; afterward, you can store your tool safely.
Final Thoughts
A perfect tool for carpenters, cabinet makers, remodelers, furniture builders, general contractors, or DIYers to finish a job. Get a professional look every time on your work with less stress, less hassle, and less weight. Being safe and efficient isn’t magic, but the DeWalt 23Ga.
Pin Nailer is as close as you will get to a magic wand.