Getting all your essential items together for a lake home can feel like an uphill battle you’ll never win. You have enough trouble outfitting your everyday home, but now you must ensure your lake house has the basics such as towels, clothes, furniture, etc. The issue lies with the uncommon items you may not usually have in your regular home.
Our guide will walk you through those specialty lake items that will make your weekend getaway spot more enjoyable and prevent constant trips to town for needed items. As you spend your summer at the lake, these items will make your life easier.
Outdoor Essentials
Most of your time will be spent outdoors, so outfit yourself with all the tools to make your lake home the best it can be. Focus on all aspects so you’re prepared for any contingency you may run into.

Storms are inevitable at the lake, so it’s best to be prepared for when they happen. A generator is invaluable for keeping appliances running, bringing light, and keeping your summer home warm or cold during blackouts. Be sure to also have gas on hand so your generator can keep running for several days if needed. It is a perfect solution, especially if your lake house is remote. While you watch flashlights dancing around the lake, sit back and enjoy the wonders of light.
Your lake house doesn’t always have enough room, and a tent is a cheap alternative to building on or renting a camper. They’re also great for kids to get that rustic camping experience at the lake. When it heats outside, a tent can provide temporary shade that blocks direct sunlight, allowing guests to enjoy good times outdoors.
Incorporating a grill into the outdoor kitchen is a great way to enhance a summer cookout. Everyone loves cooked meat, and a grill can do much more than just cook meat. A grill will be able to provide tasty meals for the entire family while you celebrate any event.

One of the oldest pastimes of the lake is lighting a fire and relaxing during a summer evening. There is no better way to create a focal point for outdoor gatherings than incorporating a fire pit. In addition, fire pits help create a cozy atmosphere outdoors, light up the night, and help your guests relax and unwind.
An inflator plays a vital role in inflating and deflating items like hammocks, mattresses, paddling pools, tires, etc. Having them in your summer home gives your guests the freedom and convenience they need to enjoy their vacation anywhere.
Storage (toolboxes, cabinets, etc.)
To offer the best experience, your summer house should provide ample storage solutions such as toolboxes and cabinets to allow your guests to stay organized throughout their stay in your facility.

With the proper hand tools, guests can engage in any manual project at any time. The hand tool kit should include tools like a hammer, screwdrivers, file, pliers, wrench, a saw, and more.
Lawn Games
You’re at the lake, so play a few games to take advantage of your free time. Popular lawn games include ladder-ball golf, cornhole, giant Jenga, and more. Lawn games are a great way to create hours of fun for the entire family while staying outdoors.
Indoor Essentials
Although you may be spending the majority of time outdoors, there are still moments when you’ll be inside. Some of these items have an indoor and outdoor function, but some are inside-only tools that will make your stay much cozier.
Proper lake supplies can help your guests enjoy their stay in your summer home. Regarding summer apparel, the goal is to offer clothing that provides physical protection and allows air circulation to prevent unpleasant odors. Be sure to bring light apparel, such as t-shirts and shorts, and warmer clothing, such as sweatshirts and jeans, as the lake can get a little chilly at night.
Bluetooth Speaker
Everyone enjoys a little music in their life, especially at the lake. It’s an excellent background for sitting around the fire or playing games in the yard. Ensure your speakers are ultra-portable, waterproof, and easy to handle to enable guests to use them anywhere.

Portable Charger (for electronics)
When guests check into your lake home, you want them to have the best experience possible. Proving a simple thing such as a portable charger can create a lasting impression on your guests. Besides, it provides a continuous power source for their electronics.
AC Unit
An air conditioning unit is a crucial requirement in your summer home as it helps regulate the temperature by removing heat from indoors, making the indoor space a good reprieve from the higher temperatures outdoors.
Chairs are a must at the lake; everyone wants to relax, and the quality of your chairs will be a difference maker. Find a set that is both comfortable and can be easily cleaned if they get dirty. Your chairs for both indoor and outdoor purposes should not only be beautiful but also made of durable material to withstand all seasons.

Hydration (Tumblers)
Does anyone travel without a Tumbler these days? They’re an excellent solution for keeping your drink cold for hours while basking in the sun while on the boat. Travel tumblers are important lake essentials that can help your guests stay hydrated as they can be used for nearly any drink, warm or cold.
Water Essentials
You’re at the lake, so spending time in the water is guaranteed. Be sure to have plenty of items to ensure your time on the boat or beach is safe and fun.
Your lake cabin needs plenty of coolers to help guests keep their food and beverages cold while camping or on the beach. Most coolers can keep items cold for many hours, even in the warmest conditions.
Flip-Flops or Sandals
While roaming around on the beach or out on the water, it’s easier to enjoy yourself with flip-flops. They’re easy to take on and off, and you don’t have to worry about sand getting inside your sneaker and being a huge pain.
Beach Towels
A towel is one of the most straightforward items you’ll bring, but it serves many functions. It can provide a comfortable spot to sit on the beach instead of getting covered in sand. A towel is also needed if you swim in the lake.
An umbrella is great for on the deck, on the beach, or out on the boat. Shade isn’t always in plentiful supply, so an umbrella is an excellent solution to produce shade anywhere you are.
Always practice safety while out on the boat. Accidents can happen, and even the most seasoned swimmer can get pulled under in certain situations. Also, many states legally require life jackets for all occupants on a boat.
Insect Repellant/Sunscreen
Insect repellants and sunscreen are vital lake essentials that help protect your guests from sunburns and disease-causing insects, such as mosquitoes, ticks, and other biting bugs.