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2021 Lawnmowers Roundup

Best Lawn Mowers of 2021

Lawn mowers are the star of all your outdoor power equipment. It’s the one tool that makes the show run. In the old days, your only option was gas-powered machines, but cordless mowers are pushing their way into the industry. They offer zero emissions, lower noise, and reduced maintenance. Cordless mowers are the wave of…

2021 Blowers Roundup

Best Blowers of 2021

Blowers, or leaf blowers, are one of those tools you don’t think you need until you have one. Then you understand what you’ve been missing the whole time. With some models producing up to 250 mph winds and the ability to work more upright, work is done quickly without having to break your back. A…

2021 String Trimmers Roundup

Best String Trimmers of 2021

A string trimmer is one of the many tools in your landscaping bag. It refines all that hard work you just did with your lawnmower. The trimmer is used primarily to clean up any areas that your mower couldn’t reach, such as along fences, driveways, sidewalks, or other pathways. Their compact design makes it easy…

Summer Lawn Care

Guide to Summer Lawn Care

Summer is a double-edged sword for lawns. The heat and diminishing rainfall can wreak havoc on a lawn, but it’s also the prime time to show it off. That’s why summer lawn care is vital to its health. You spent all spring getting your turf looking as green and lush as possible, so don’t throw that hard…

Water runs through a DIY sprinkler made of PVC pipe.

How to DIY a Simple Sprinkler Using PVC Pipes

Everyone remembers the fun of running through the sprinkler on a hot day. So many hours of fun was derived from a tool that was never intended for kids. But it’s 2021, and we have the technology to improve on the wonderful invention of the sprinkler. Just in time for the mid-summer heat, we have…

The Metabo HPT 36V Cordless Plunge Router is used to work on a deck railing.

Metabo HPT Releases New Plunge Router and Nailer

Metabo HPT aims to revolutionize the cordless tool market. They took another step toward that goal with the recent launch of their new plunge router and metal connector nailer. The 36V MultiVolt Cordless Metal Connector Nailer (NR3665DA) and 36V MultiVolt 1/2-Inch Plunge Router (M3612DA) are the latest additions to Metabo HPT’s expanding MultiVolt System. Each…

A couple walks on the beach carrying a cooler

27 Best Coolers of 2021

In this day and age, it may seem like a daunting task to choose the best cooler. Do I need one with wheels? How big does it need to be? Are soft coolers better than hard ones? All of these questions depend on your specific needs, and lucky for you, there are enough coolers under the…

A man uses a ratchet to work on a boat motor.

15 Essentials for a Boat Tool Kit

Anyone who’s ever owned a boat has experienced the exact moment — panic because it’s dead, and you’re stuck in the middle of the lake. There is a way to make it through that moment of terror, though — a boat tool kit. Being in the water brings many challenges, and anything that can go…