National Trivia Day Giveaway at Acme Tools

National Trivia Day: A Chance to Win!

January 4th is a day for tidbit-knowing individuals to shine because it’s National Trivia Day. To celebrate, we created a quiz revolving around all things Acme! Now we won’t give away the answers, but we also…

The Best Tool Tips of 2019

10 Best Tool Tips of 2019 From Acme Tools

As 2019 ends, we’re reviewing the best tooltips of the year. Working with hand and power tools can get tricky and tedious, but Acme is here to help! Our blog and social media channels are updated with many knowledgeable user-focused tooltips throughout the year. We’ve picked the 10 top-performing tooltips to try in the new year! 10 Best Tool Tips Tool Tip #1 To remove a nail that has lost its head, firmly clamp a Vise Grip on it so there’s something to pull. Tool Tip #2 Need a level but only have a carpenter’s square and chalk line handy? Wrap the chalk line over the top of…

The new Leatherman FREE Collection

Leatherman FREE Collection: New Series

In early 2019, Leatherman Tool Group released the Leatherman FREE Collection. The collection features feedback-focused solutions and multiple design patents. With the improvements, the new multi tools can perform any job. Features The Leatherman FREE Collection…