The best thing about outdoor power equipment is that it lets you do all sorts of work in very little time. Tools such as chainsaws require a certain amount of knowledge to use safely. You can also decrease your chance of injury by outfitting yourself with proper personal protective equipment or PPE. Safe Practices Make For Safe…
ISOtunes Bluetooth Noise Canceling Earbuds Review
Noise isolation is at the forefront of worker safety on and off the job site. More than twenty-five million Americans suffer from Noise Induced Hearing Loss. Many of them have hearing damage caused by on-the-job and leisure activities. ISO tunes do not want you to become part of that statistic, so they developed the first…

Breathe Easier On the Job
Dust exposure from construction-related tasks can pose several health problems. The time to protect yourself is now. Following the proper procedures and using the correct dust management tools can help significantly help you minimize your risk. If you’re still unconvinced, we share the cold, complex (and dangerous) facts about silica dust.
DEWALT Dustless Solutions: Perform & Protect
DEWALT Dustless Solutions helps you stay in compliance with OSHA Table 1. This is achieved by protecting workers from respirable silica dust and other workplace hazards. The heart of silica dust protection for DeWalt is their dust extractor. Still, they have multiple compliant solutions for every task on today’s job sites. DeWalt Dust Extractors Are…
Bosch and 3M Team Up for Silica Dust Protection
Preventing and protecting your workers from silica dust is getting easier. Prevention from respirable silica dust exposure is gaining momentum, and OSHA has laid out direct actions for employers in their Table 1 directory. The combination of dust extractor, dust attachment, power tool, and personal protection equipment is at the heart of protection. Bosch Power…
Makita Silica Dust Solutions
Makita Silica dust solutions are a blend of new and existing products to keep you protected. Learn how to protect workers from respirable silica dust while complying with the new regulations. Makita has developed a full-line approach to protecting workers from respirable silica dust and it all revolves around their dust extractors, universal attachments, and…
Electricians Benefit Using Cordless Tools
Cordless power tools are significant in every contractor and tradesman’s tool bag. We all love cordless tools because it is so much more convenient to use a cordless screwdriver instead of a standard screwdriver that requires us to twist our hands and wrist fifty times to deal with one screw or a heavy and clumsy…

Stand Up for Safety
A construction site can be dangerous and even deadly. However, following the proper procedures and protocols can significantly help make your construction site a safer place to work for yourself and your co-workers. Brush up on these stats and tips to better understand just how important workplace safety is and how you can prevent accidents…
Choosing the Best Welding Helmet
Welders have many different options for choosing the best welding helmet. Selecting the correct type of helmet is vital because welding is dangerous work concerning skin, face, and lungs. Facial and eye injuries are prevalent among welders who don’t wear proper protection. Eye injuries from the sparks and flashes from welding torches are one of…
How-To Guide: Keeping Cool In the Workplace
April is here, May is right around the corner (no joke), and summer is not far behind. Keeping cool on the job site is imperative, so if you have not already done so, you will have to break out your cooling gear to handle higher temporary workers and the hazard of workplace heat stress soon….