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Buying Guides

New DeWalt Grinder: First Corded Angle Grinder

A New Angle On The Corded Grinder DeWalt Grinders, especially electric angle grinders, are brutally efficient tools, but their basic design hasn’t changed a whole lot since their invention. While cordless grinders have seen vast improvements over the past decade, with the introduction of Lithium-Ion batteries and brushless motors, they have not shared any of…

How To Choose A Milwaukee Heated Jacket

Instead of wearing multiple layers that restrict movement, we have you covered with Milwaukee heated jackets and vests, perfect for dealing with the winter cold. Heated jackets reduce the need for excessive layering and frequent indoor breaks for warmth, suitable for both work and leisure outdoors. Milwaukee Tool’s heated jackets and other clothing options come…

DEWALT® Announces New 1-7/8” to 2” Hammer Drills

DeWalt has new hammer drills that will leave you shaking, with anticipation. DeWalt is releasing a new series of hammer drills, and they are perfect from demolition or chipping, trenching, and more. This new line of drills will make foreman, trades pros, and other industries that deal in concrete ecstatic. They handle specific issues for…

Metabo batteries power the cordless alliance system tools by 9 manufacturers

Cordless Alliance System is a Revolutionary Partnership

Metabo Germany Announces its partnership with 8 other power tool manufacturers to create the Cordless Alliance System (CAS) Under the Cordless Alliance System (CAS) partnership, nine manufactures of similar company size and with a clear focus on power tools for professional applications, will be sharing the same battery platform and chargers produced by Metabo. This…

New Milwaukee M18 FUEL Cordless Jig-Saws

Milwaukee’s New M18 FUEL Jig-Saw Milwaukee innovates tools for the betterment of the user, the trades pro, and the DIYer. With their new Jig-Saws, it is no surprise that they have made improvements that people like you suggested to them. Who else is better than the people who use this tool every day to tell…

Guide to make the best choice on purchasing a generator

The Ultimate Generator Buying Guide

How To Choose the Best Generator Do you need a power generator, but don’t have any idea where to start? Look no further. We here at Acme Tools have assembled the ultimate generator buying guide for you. Types of Generators Portable A standard portable generator uses a combustion engine to create alternating current, or AC….