Makita Can-Am side by side

Makita 2024 MAKTRAK Can-Am Sweepstakes

Makita Tools has announced a new national sweepstakes that will deliver power at all levels. See what’s included below and how to enter. MAKTRAK Can-Am Sweepstakes With the help of marketing partner Warnert Racing, Makita has…

How To Make A Halloween Coffin Lid

DIY Halloween Coffin Lid Decorating for Halloween has become a popular pastime when the leaves begin to change colors. We have created an old-fashioned coffin lid to add to your indoor or outdoor decorations. This project build…

Differences Between Concrete Drilling And Diamond Coring

Carbide Cor Bits or Diamond Core Bits? Concrete is very sturdy, making it one of the most popular materials for foundations, heavy-duty walls, and many other applications. One of the biggest challenges builders and plumbers face is concrete drilling to run conduits, including water and sewer piping. Every plumber has their own preference where core bits are concerned, so that’s where our thoughts take us today; which is better, carbide core bits or diamond core bits, and what do they mean to your plumbing business? Let’s take a look at a few important plumbing tools now. Price Point The price point for plumbing hammer drills ranges from roughly…

Multimeter Safety

Multimeter Safety Tips

If you ask me, the electrical multimeter is one of the most incredible things that has been invented. This nifty little box can measure invisible forces like voltage, current, and resistance, just to name a few. One other function…

Preparing for Winter Storms

Preparing For Winter Storms

How To Prepare For A Winter Storm Heavy snow, ice, sub-zero temperatures, and high winds make travel impossible and may affect utilities and emergency services. Winter weather can also significantly impact your family and home if…